

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Travel

I've never been a huge fan of traveling, especially flying, for Thanksgiving - I haven't been home to my parents' for the holiday since 2008 and, other than a trip one year to visit my grandparents for the long weekend, I've been in Chicago every year since 2009, celebrating with friends. I don't want to be one of those people CNN interviews who are standing in line waiting to get home. Inevitably there will be some huge winter storm tearing apart the Midwest, which, combined with hoards of holiday travelers, ruins every one's weekend.

B's family lives in St. Louis, a fairly quick and painless trip from Chicago on the road. This past weekend we took the Greyhound bus for a visit, and I have to say that I'm definitely a fan! Everything from booking tickets to checking luggage to boarding the bus is painless, and you get more leg room than on airplanes. Plus, unlike airplanes, there are outlets to keep electronics charged, and free wifi (although the connection wasn't great). I'll write a longer post later about Greyhounding - I want to fully discus the bus system.

We also could have taken B's motorcycle, but given the uncertainty of weather at this time of year, it seemed risky (and really cold!) to take such a long trip on a bike.

As far as this Thanksgiving Day, we haven't set any plans yet - maybe we'll be making turkey and potatoes, maybe we'll participate in a local turkey trot, or maybe we'll go check out a local park if the weather behaves.

What are your travel plans for this week, and how do you make weather accommodations?

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